Monday, January 31, 2011

Peter Dunham... Fabric Obsession

Peter Dunham has been a design hero of mine for a long time.  Not only I am in love with his style, but I am also constantly drawn to his fabric line for my projects.  His store in Los Angeles, Hollywood At Home, is where I always can find "my center" as far as my look.   When I am in LA, which has been a lot lately working to finish two projects, Peter and his staff always are so helpful.   

I have mentioned before that we are working on designing our new office and have chosen the fabric Samarkand.  Below are some images of this fabric done in a few different colors and applications.  We have chosen the blue/green colorway for the draperies in my office. 

This dining room in East Hampton has become such an inspiration for another great project we are working on for a seaside home here on the East Coast.  

 This chair in the red/blue colorway is being used for a project here in Greenwich.  It will be the "go to" print of the room, not only on upholstered pieces, but on pillows and lampshades.  I so excited about this project.  I have already had a couple design publications asking for new material and this project is going to be incredible!!  
Stay tuned!!

 Another fun way to use Samarkand done by my friend Windsor Smith

 The bench in the entry of this house is exactly what I would want to see when I come home.                            

 Blue/Green colorway for our office draperies...Love it!
Can't wait to show everyone.  
We're thinking about having a party when it's finished.  

Peter Dunham Textiles Fabric Obsession!

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous - Lee Ann you have incredible taste
